Plastic coated galvanized sealing wire
Plastic coated galvanized steel wire 1 mm diameter
Fixed length seal Ringlabelseal 215 mm
Fixed length seal. Label size 20 x 40 mm
Plastic fixed length seal Ringlabelseal 260 mm
Plastic fixed length seal. Label size 20 x 40 mm
Self locking TRITON seals for gas and water meters
Self locking wire security seals for gas and water meters
Plastic custom seals Plombex
Plastic custom seals (9 – 13 mm)
Sealing Gun for Ham and Cured Meat Seals
Pneumatic sealing gun suitable for the application of steel, inox eyelet seals 13.mm diam
Criusseal Press
Lead seals press for Criusseal
Alluseal Press
Seal press for Alluseal
Plastic padlock security seal suitable for airlines and duty free application
One Channel Pneumatic Eyelet Punch
Pneumatic and pedal driven eyelet punch with automatic loading
One Channel Pedal Eyelet Punch
Pedal driven eyelet punch suitable for applying eyelet seals eyelet
Plastic coated Nylon wire
Plastic nylon wire, 1,3mm diameter
Flat Tie
Flat tie
Tamper Evident Security Tape
After taping, the cartons seem to be closed normally, but the alarm is already inserted.
Custom Security Tape
Coloured adhesive sealing tape for immediate identification from afar
Uranus Seal
Seals for fire extinguishers