LeghornGroup: promote and implement the policy of respect in the world of production and sale of security seals
A beautiful sunset, the smile in the eyes of a child, the serenity of the soul: these are just a few examples that show us that all the best things in life cannot be possessed. We can only enjoy them and, as far as we can, do everything possible to preserve them.
Respect is the main founding value on which all of LeghornGroup’s activities are based: respect for the individual, for the community with which we interact and to whose development we actively contribute and, last but not least, respect for the environment and its resources.
LeghornGroup has always felt very strongly every responsibility that pertains to its role as a global manufacturer of security devices and seals, from the social one to that of safety in the workplace up to the environmental one
Actions speak louder than words. Therefore, a very brief summary of the main actions and concrete measures implemented by LeghornGroup to support policies of respect for the environment and its resources follows.
Reduce = use fewer resources

LeghornGroup operates a concrete reduction of the origin of waste through the adoption of appropriate lines of conduct, from instructions to its staff for the conscious use of energy (water, electricity, gas, but also inks and paper) within work spaces, to the use in the production of its own security products of plastic, metal and electronic materials in an increasingly optimized measure, without compromising quality and performance, through a constant process of revision and advanced engineering of the product.
With a view to reducing plastic waste and therefore its CO2 footprint, LeghornGroup has conducted research and development activities for years, which have led to the creation of reusable seals, with a high technological content, capable of offering high levels of security.
Similarly, seals made of biodegradable plastic are being developed. Unlike other plastics, this type of polymer does not even require recycling, but, if correctly collected and separated from the rest of the waste, it can decompose and be re-introduced into the environment. LeghornGroup is trying to optimize production processes to achieve a biodegradable plastic product that is able to meet the technical-functional requirements required for any security application and usage.
The adoption of these types of seals – reusable or biodegradable, in addition to enabling new functions, such as the traceability of goods, translates into a reduction in production of disposable seals, thus saving large quantities of plastic, i.e. plastic waste and CO2 every year.
Reuse = recover and reuse products when they have not yet become waste

LeghornGroup not only promotes the reuse of goods in regular office operations (for example, trivially, in the reuse of paper, or even of furnishings), but, and above all, uses recycled packaging as much as possible, from pallets brought to the end of their life to recycled cardboard for the production of its packaging. Considering the high volumes handled during the year, the impact of this action is very high.
Recycle = transform, through industrial processes, a waste material into new raw material to be reintroduced into the production cycle

Within its production processes of plastic or metal seals, LeghornGroup recovers 100% of production waste of material.
The plastic seals produced by LeghornGroup contain a minimum percentage of 30% of post-industrial recycled plastics, i.e. plastic obtained from production waste, a characteristic that is undergoing certification at the CSI. The CSI mark for products in recyclable materials allows demonstrating compliance with the reference standard (EN 13430 for packaging) adopted by the EU pursuant to directive 94/62, in turn included in the Environmental Code.
The use of post-industrial recycled plastics actively contributes to reducing the consumption of fossil raw materials.
LeghornGroup does not use non-recyclable plastics (for example poly-laminated materials, thermosetting plastic or elastomers) in its products.
Recollect = waste differentiation

We provide our customers with all the information necessary to properly dispose of both the product and the packaging after use, thus actively contributing to the LeghornGroup philosophy of reducing the ecological footprint.
In particular, we are modifying all the production molds to indicate on the single product the Möbius strip, a triangle made up of 3 arrows chasing each other, accompanied by a combination of numbers from 1 to 7 and acronyms that identify the various polymers of which it is made the specific material. This mark is confirmation of what was established with specific directives, including the Decision of the European Commission of 28 January 1997 and the European directive 94/62/EC, subsequently amended by directive (EU) 2018/852.
Finally, starting from 2023 LeghornGroup is promoting a campaign for the conscious use of the security seal (RE-PACK TEAM Campaign) among its customers, sending all customers, in each product shipment, a bag to be delivered to field operators so that, when the seal is removed from the load or from the object to which it has been applied, the operator puts the waste in the special bag provided, thus avoiding the release of plastic or metal abandoned in the environment.
Recover = energy recovery

Particular attention is paid by LeghornGroup to energy saving operations. Energy consumption is kept to a minimum, both in production and in the offices, and applicable emission standards are not exceeded.
Furthermore, LeghornGroup prefers products and services from companies attentive to sustainability, as evidenced by the choice of energy supplier, which supplies energy from 100% renewable sources (E-CO).
As an international manufacturer of security seals, LeghornGroup has the responsibility of using environmentally friendly materials and processes to reduce the impact of its activities on the world, activating and promoting a production and commercial model among all subjects with whom it relates based on the rule of 5 r’s and on a circular economy that strongly contrasts with the throw-away culture, which is more urgent and necessary today than ever.