Tamper Evident Security Tape
After taping, the cartons seem to be closed normally, but the alarm is already inserted.
Custom Security Tape
Coloured adhesive sealing tape for immediate identification from afar
The safety of packages sent and received has become a problem of primary importance for companies. In general, the number of goods traded with any carrier is increasing sharply as a result of the globalization of markets. The integrity of the delivered packaging represents an increasingly important and current element, just think of the exponential growth of e-commerce, a phenomenon that at an international level has allowed the sale of online products to exceed that of services (70% against 30%) . LeghorGroup tapes and labels are adhesive security solutions that reveal any attempted break-in, leaving clearly visible traces on tampered surfaces; in fact, it is possible to choose to protect and protect the valuable contents sent or confidential mail, thanks to the alert message that remains on the tampered surfaces